Tuesday 24 August 2010

Back To The Front... Again

Yet Again I've let this blog become a bit of a shambles. So many albums have come out that I've wanted to review but after some much needed advice from people, there's no point reviewing albums that came out weeks even months ago (there's been at least 5 albums since then that came out I've missed the boat on). Too busy finding a job and now I've got my loner arse a gf (which is going quite well!) havn't given myself time or dedication infact to fill this fucker up. Here's a basic summary of my goings on of the last month or two:

  • Blew lots of money on imported things, mainly the deluxe box set of the new Godsmack album 'The Oracle', what an album I must say, straight up hard rock just how I like it :)
  • Checked out the Sonisphere Festival for the first time this year and had the time of my life, participated in such mental acts as getting my balls out to Smurfs (again) pitting to Slayer completely wankered in hotpants and a Dangermouse mask, and doing a classic 'YMCA' pose with the police, who I now like to call 'rozzifers'.
  • I have to say it right now and fuck all the pretentious twats: Sonisphere>Download. It's nice to finally have a festival that's for the fans rather than for the profit by raising their prices every single bastard year (AC/DC's attitude this year at Download was atrocious, though they were good live). Decent priced merchandise too guarantees a returning customer in me (if I can get a bastard job by then!
  • It's gig season again soon, usually a dry spell through the summer with festivals and albums coming out so bands don't usually tour until a while after. So far sent emails about interviewing a shitload of bands. Unfortunately got turned down by Stone Sour but Sum 41 is looking very promising, just seeing if it is ok to interview them at Manchester on their UK tour and if so, it's going up here and I'm gonna try and get it up on other websites (working on how the hell I do that like).
  • And that's pretty much all I've done other than hang with the missus and fail epicly at looking for a job, as there isn't any!

Currently listening

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Recently Bought

Friday 23 July 2010

LIVE: Zuprowski Connection - Bumper, Liverpool 22nd July

It is interesting to discover Cypher 16's summer tour is being headlined by up and coming hard rockers Zuprowski Connection, but it is just for this show only. The look of the Bumper venue in Liverpool tonight is set out the way any good metal gig should be; claustrophobic and allowing crowd-band communication, or so it seems. With a late start, opening act Whytewater kick off to an unfortunately bland start. With no real stage presence to speak of they fail to back up their generic metal/rock arsenal, let alone gain much crowd interest. Things soon look up as local heavily metallers Pandemik wake the crowd up in a violent death metal frenzy. It's good to see a band that not only produces heavy music leaning much more to Behemoth and Emperor as opposed to the metalcore of today, but more to the point, has a good sense of humour to go with it. Vocalist Moses runs back and forth from the stage during songs, humorously forcing people to stand closer and watch them rather than sit at the back. Why pay to see bands when you're just going to sit there? I asked myself. With song titles such as 'My Right Hand' (said to be about "Thing from The Adams Family becoming a barrister!") and 'Satan Helps Me Kill' ("Oh this one's about death it's great this one!" Moses says with such an overwhelming joy to his voice) Pandemik, it is safe to say, are crazy bastards, and that's why they are so good. Next on the bill is the thrash metal brilliance of Entropy, who border along Metallica/Slayer territory (think Metallica riffs with Tom Araya vocals and you've got the idea). Unfortunately thanks to a blown amp they have to cut several songs out of their set but they still get the crowd going. With thrash metal becoming more popular in recent times it's only fitting that Entropy are leading the local scene. London's own Cypher 16, tonights headliners, despite playing a sub-healdining spot tonight deliver a headlining performance. Garnering as many circle pits and walls of death than your average Lamb of God or Devildriver gig (one person is even body slammed by an over-excited reveller). They also deliver the first cover song of the night, a blistering run through of Metallica's 'Creeping Death'. Not your average band, with influences as wide as a black hole they cover everything from thrash to symphonic metal, check them out next time they play your local venue. Grunge may have fallen out of favour with many, but Zuprowski Connection are on a mission to keep it alive, and tonight they don't disappoint. Their alternative take on the genre is unique in it's own right, as they rock through 'The Mirror's Light' with it's speed-funk drum intro it is the perfect headbanger to start a set. Singer Mark Smith's powerful vocal range can still be heard over the noise despite limited amp use. Although there is limited interaction with the crowd they are far from sombre, tearing through sludgy number "I Am" (one of my favourite songs off their s/t album). The biggest crowd pleaser has to be their unique cover of the Divinyl's smash hit 'I Touch Myself' which get's the biggest sing along of the night. With time to spare they finish with a cover of Tool's 'Stinkfist' bringing an end to an eclectic night of heavy metal madness. 8/10

Wednesday 21 July 2010

Back From The Dead! Korn III: Remember Who You Are

'Nu-metal' is a term that may often leaves a sick taste in the stomach of many metal purists, but there's no denying that nobody does it better than Bakersfield's own pioneers KoRn, who return to form with their new album III: Remember Who You Are. The band once thought to be dead, with the departure of founding member Brian 'Head' Welch and more recently drummer David Silveira, 2007's Untitled release was considered a critical and commercial disaster (though it did receive Gold certification). With the addition of now full time member Ray Luzier; original members Jonathan Davis, James "Munky" Shaffer, Reginald "Fieldy" Arvizu return to the down-tuned sound that put them on the map to begin with. For this there was only one man for the job; producer Ross Robinson (the man behind 'KoRn' and 'Life is Peachy'). All of this fits perfectly with the albums title of remembering who KoRn are!

Track by track it is like being transported back to their early days, and that can only mean one thing, 'raw aggression. First single Oildale, the name of a neighbourhood close to Davis' hometown, is arguably on a similar level to the classic Blind, with it's darkened tone and headbanging riff it is classic KoRn, something that has been missing on the last few records. In spite of the frenzied nature of musical style there is a sense of focus on this album, as each song compliments the other in terms of sound as well as lyrical style. Pop A Pill demonstrates the funkier side of KoRn while still remaining as heavy as can be. Drummer Luzier is beyond impressive, displaying a more technical style to his predecessor, complimenting the frenzies guitar and bass combination. Move On; one of the more stripped back sounding songs, moves in and out of chaotic territory, with Jonathan Davis at first sounding calm before storming through a devastating chorus that could be seen as an attack on KoRn's critics and doubters.

The more slowed down The Past, allows room for Fieldy to shine, unleashing his signature bass style and create a disturbing dual sound with Luzier's drums, as Munky's guitar sound creeps in the background. the atmospheric punch of Never Around shows a brutality only hinted at in the past, further demonstrating their determination. If at this point you're not convinced that KoRn's anger fizzled out long ago, I suggest you listen to 'Are You Ready To Live', possibly one of the more brutal sounding songs Korn has ever written, made even more disturbing with Jonathan Davis' whispered vocal style and soft melodies, that instantly change to screams and violent drum sounds. Closing track 'Holding All These Lies' launches into an almost thrash metal tirade before straining itself for a heart whelming finale not to be forgotten.

With a new record label in Roadrunner and a newfound hunger, KoRn may just as well have delivered their best album since 'Issues'. Also stripping away the mask they chose to wear through their last few experimental records has given Korn a new lease of life, in remembering who they are.

Top Tracks: Oildale (Leave Me Alone), Pop a Pill, the Past, Are You Ready To Live?, Holding All These Lies

Tuesday 25 May 2010

Sunday 23 May 2010

In the words of Staind: It's Been a While...

Fuck me it's been a while since I've been on here! Even after promising I'd keep up to date with everything. Well as I already reported earlier Uni officially finished just over a week ago, and Carnage! is done and dusted (printwise anyway). This means that I'll probably not get to see a lot of people again :( However in somewhat good news me and some friends have got alot of ideas going on in how we can expand on my little blog by making our own site with everything that makes us awesome on it! In the meantime I've got some plans to carry on with my whole interviewing and reviewing bollocks when I get a good chance, starting with a potential Alter Bridge interview I'm hoping to bag! Just gotta wait nearer to the gig date to find out! So in between that and getting pissed and dancing to Lady Gaga in discos (God bless birthdays hehe) I'm gonna get my head down into some reviewing, starting with the recently released 'The Oracle' by the almighty Godsmack! Most of you (well probably the one or two who actually still read up here) probably wont know who this band is despite me constantly marking out whenever I hear their songs or name mentioned (save the Alice in Chains comments because quite honestly theyre boring to hear; the comments not AIC because quite frankly theyre kings!) All I'm saying for now is its a fucking killer record! Here's the video for their recently released single 'Crying Like A Bitch' Enjoy!
Personally I'm not a big fan of the video. Mainly because I feel too many people are jumping on the whole UFC bandwagon and its becoming more of a trend to some. I see people wearing this 'Tapout' gear and from the look of them it's as if they wear it just to say 'yeah I'm hard bring it' as they walk with what can only be described as either a pitbull or their latest girlfriend on a lead. Trust me if you see half of these people in the street and you ask them who Brock Lesnar or Frankie Edgar are then trust me, they wouldn't have a fricking clue

Tuesday 4 May 2010

The Final Product!

Well its been printed and here's the results

Unfortunately the fonts on my letters page and my reviews page didnt print properly so the titles look a bit crap :( also the left of the front page has a little bit missing (evident giving half an A is missing) but I guess it'll have to do, Quark is to blame for that measurement f*** up!

(Sadly the font for 'Rated' didn't show up =[ even though Im sure I managed to work my way round it...)

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Magazine All together!

Haven't been on here in AGES! now but doesn't mean I've been sitting around in my pants doing nothing... Ok I have done, but for good reason... I finished this bad boy ages ago now and its currently being printed ready to hand in asap. Just thought I'd bung up the pdf of Carnage in its entirety to save scrolling through some of the loose pages I've got on patrol on here! Enjoy!

Tuesday 30 March 2010

One more for the road...

Last piece pretty much! Bit pissed off some font hasn't come up YET AGAIN.Random Shite Section

Friday 26 March 2010

News Section!

75% Done! Just need to add two more pages to it!

Sunday 21 March 2010

Interview: Lord Nelson from Stuck Mojo

I recently conducted an interview with Stuck Mojo rapper and frontman Lord Nelson; who replaced the departing Bonz in 2007.

Since 1989 Stuck Mojo have been one of the pioneers of the rap-metal movement along with Clawfinger and more notably Faith No More. Guitarists Rich Ward and Mike Martin, former bassist Dan Dryden and former guitarist Ryan Mallam formed Fozzy in 1999 with WWE superstar Chris Jericho (Christopher Irvine).

· What made you join Stuck Mojo?

I was asked to do some guest vocals on the Southern Born Killers Album by my good friend Bonz. We had an awesome recording session and I let them know that if they needed anything else just give me a call. A few months later I spoke with Bonz and asked him about hearing the tracks. He informed me that he was considering leaving the band. He was out of town and the conversation was brief. We did not get into why. He then told me to call Rich and ask him about the songs. I called Rich and left a message. Rich called me back about a week later and asked me if I would be interested in helping him write some songs. I told him of course. At that time we did not get into why Bonz was leaving the band. He did tell me that they were in the process of interviewing new lead singers. My participation was only in a writing capacity. As the writing process went along we had conversation about Bonz and the band. I let Rich know that I loved Bonz and the only way I would see him was as my friend no matter what happened. Rich let me know that he loved him too. We left it there. Rich and I could tell that we had a great chemistry with the music and lyrics. Rich let me know that they were not having any success with finding a new singer and asked if I would be interested. It really caught me off guard. I told him I would have to think about it. First of all Bonz is a good friend of mine so this was going to be a difficult decision. After a lot of soul searching, prayer and conversation with family I decided to do it. It was a chance of a lifetime for me. Now here I am.

· Where you already familiar with the band and were you a fan?

I was introduced to them by a classmate of Bonz and myself. After the first show I was hooked. Yes a big fan.

· Did you have any worries whether the fans would embrace you or not?

I'm a confident dude. I stay positive and optimistic. I knew I could never replace Bonz. I wasn't trying to. All I wanted was a chance to do me, to show them Lord Nelson. The majority of the Stuck Mojo fan base embraced me. Of course you have those that say I hate this dude. He sucks. They have every right to their opinion. I actually could careless about those who do not like me. I keep my focus on those who do.

· What influenced the band’s decision to release 2007’s ‘Southern Born Killers’ free for download?

The state of the music industry. The thinking was that so much music is being pirated that it made sense to put it out there free. We just asked that if you enjoyed it to make a donation. We have no regrets about it. It was a good feeling to give back to the loyal Stuck Mojo Family.

· With Rich Ward etc currently doing the rounds with Fozzy how do you keep yourself busy?

I am always writing. I actually recorded two songs with two of the Bands we toured with. Sick Of It All with Ektomorf which is on their new album What Doesn't Kill Me and Changing of The Guard with my boys Vengince on their new album A Turn For The Worst. Both great songs. I am also working on my solo project with the help of many of these same dudes. Mike Martin, Sean Delson, Steve Underwood, Joe Tash, Dank from Vengince, Simon DeWinter, I'd fight Gandhi from Ireland and hopefully the Duke, Eric Bass of Shinedown fame and Zoli from Ektomorf. Right now it's all good.

· With a strong hip-hop background what are your opinions on today’s hip-hop artists? Do you think the more pop-orientated hip-hop (lil' Wayne etc) has ruined the public opinion of the genre and reduced it to 'guns, bitches and money'?

Great question. I just think it is their time to shine. The younger generation is an A.D.D. generation. They don't care about longevity. They want the next hot thing. That's why so many of the artists are one hit wonders. I believe it's just the cycle of those getting older not being able to deal with the change very well. All genres of music have gone through it on some level. I respect Lil Wayne and all the others in Hip Hop. I might not agree with the subject matter but I respect the fact that they have freedom of speech. Guns, Bitches and Money will always be topics for some. It's all what we choose to listen to. I just love music. When it's hot, it's hot simple as that.

· Is there any modern hip hop artist you would love to collaborate with?

I would love to Collaborate with all of them. I feel that confident about what I bring to the table.

· UK pirate radio station Radio Xanadu has treated fans to a taster of new Stuck Mojo material. Is there any news on any further new material as of late?

We have a few things in the works right now. Just waiting on the Duke to give the go sign then it's on. Looking forward to creating another great album.

· Do you have any comments on the resurgence of rap metal? Considering the reunions of Faith No More, Limp Bizkit and Rage Against The Machine of recent years.

It's awesome! It's needed. Nothing like mixing the two. I call it Hip Metal. Something about it that just gets you geeked up. That tension and release. I want it and crave it. Let's do work! I plan to be right in the mix.

· A lot of new bands seem to have more focus aimed towards their fashion than their actual music to get by. Do you think that this is influenced by society’s celebrity culture or is there more to it?

Truly the celebrity culture. Television is always telling you what cool is. Fashion plays a giant part in this. Nirvana bucked the system with the grunge movement and it touched millions. You just have to do what makes you feel good. You never know what or who will be the next voice of the culture. It might be you bro.

Thursday 18 March 2010

Video of the Day! #7!

Inspired by the Electric Six debate from Journalism hehe

Wednesday 17 March 2010